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Events at Space 238

Events include talks, live music, theatre performance, dance evenings, and jam sessions. Got an event you would like to run? Get in touch with Space 238.

Bethany Ley

Tuesday, 17 October 2023


Bethany Ley performs Suite for Solo Violin and Software Abuse

With Laura Wilson and Hamish Mitchinson.

Suite for Solo Violin and Software Abuse

In this collision of musical worlds, electronic musician and composer Bethany Ley carves out enough space and light for violinist Kath Roberts’ to breathe amongst influences as diverse as

birdsong, musique concrète and Indonesian gamelan.

Suite for Solo Violin and Software Abuse is a collection of nine pieces which share a bedrock of atmospheric granular synthesis. This creates fertile ground for neo-classical violin to harvest

some compelling and emotive melody.

This series of recordings was conceived from microscopic analysis of musical pitches – more specifically, extracting fragments of a singular note’s harmonic series, and sewing the pieces

together using software into a coherent patchwork of harmony. Due to this process, the resulting musical sequences feel simultaneously micro and macroscopic. The contrastingly natural sound of violin provides a grounding humanity - the sound of fingers hitting strings set readily across an otherwise sci-fi backdrop.

In this exploratory work, Bethany Ley and Kath Roberts take inspiration from iconic British electronic music pioneers such as Daphne Oram and Delia Derbyshire, carrying these

influences into the digital world. Perhaps it is fitting that the final versions of this suite were recorded remotely via the internet, due to Covid restrictions.

Violette Aubry

Friday, 6 October 2023

I am really excited to announce the launch night of my first album, 4 years in the making, showcasing at Space 238. All are welcome.

I will be accompanied by Simon Leach and Joe Evans. There will also be dancers and video projects, to add to the atmosphere for the evening. 

It is the the first of several concerts in the UK. 

Sober Spaces

Friday, 13 October 2023

Open Mic night is part Sober Spaces, sponsored by Bristol Drug Project


Space 238

238 Stapleton Road

Easton, BS5 0NT

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